Introduction As the digital world rapidly expands and evolves, complexity in technology is also growing exponentially. While complexity is often seen as a sign of sophistication and advancement, [...]
When it comes to buying a domain name for your website, who you entrust with the task can have a significant impact on the future of your online presence. Unfortunately, many businesses make the [...]
As we use the internet more and more, it’s important to think about the security of our information. When you upload files to websites, you’re taking a risk. There’s always a [...]
Keeping your online accounts safe is important. One way to do this is by changing your passwords often. It sounds easy, but many people forget. Don’t worry, there’s help. Why change [...]
As cyber-attacks continue to make headlines, hackers are exposing or selling customer data files in record numbers. But just like with any threat, there are actions you can take to minimize risk [...]
Hackers today have many ways to attack small businesses and business owners. Many attempt to use technology to send malware, viruses, or phishing attacks; or use information to con owners and [...]
On May 7th, Baltimore City made the stark realization that they had become the victims of ransomware. City officials have told the public that it could take months of work to get all of their [...]
On May 7th, Baltimore City made the stark realization that they had become the victims of ransomware. City officials have told the public that it could take months of work to get all of their [...]
Over the years when people have contracted a nasty piece of code on their computers they would say that they caught a “virus”. The truth is that a “virus” is just one type [...]
When many people think of the word “hacker” they automatically think of a criminal that spends their time infiltrating computer networks. While this is sometimes true, the word [...]