How To Enable Delete Confirmation Dialog Boxes in Windows 8 and 10

Working for a computer repair shop in Westminster, MD, we see many computers that have either Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. This is especially the case as Windows 7 computers begin to be [...]


How to Uninstall QuickTime for Windows

Back in April 2016 Apple announced that they will no longer be supporting QuickTime for Windows. Whenever a company stops supporting a product they discontinue updates which means that security [...]


How to Avoid Upgrading to Windows 10

In the past week, we have heard people saying that their computer has upgraded to Windows 10 automatically.  According to them, they never once chose to reserve an upgrade or install Windows 10.  [...]


Restore Photo Thumbnails in Windows 10

This is a guide on how to restore photo thumbnails in Windows 10. Ever since I have installed Windows 10 on my primary devices there has been one minor annoyance that’s been driving me [...]