How To Enable Delete Confirmation Dialog Boxes in Windows 8 and 10

 In All Posts, How To Guides

Working for a computer repair shop in Westminster, MD, we see many computers that have either Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. This is especially the case as Windows 7 computers begin to be phased out. Whenever one of our of computer repair technicians starts to work on a computer that has one of these newer versions of Windows, we quickly get reminded of an unfavorable default settings. We have just ran a file that we needed to use just once and it is now time to delete it. We click delete and it’s off to the recycle bin, no confirmation prompt at all. We feel that this lack of a confirmation window to delete a file is very error prone. Users can accidentally delete a file without realizing it, then have it sit in their recycle bin until the day they decide to empty the recycle bin. After they do that, they may never see that file again.

So, how do we fix this issue? It’s actually pretty simple. Just follow these quick steps below.

  • Minimize or close whatever you have open.
  • Once you reach the desktop, look for your Recycle Bin (pictured below)recycle-bin-computer-repair-westminster-md



  • Right-click on the Recycle Bin Icon and click Properties (pictured below)recycle-bin-right-click-recycle-bin-computer-repair-westminster-md
  • Check off the box beside “Display delete confirmation dialog”recycle-bin-properties-recycle-bin-computer-repair-westminster-md
  • Hit Apply, then OK

We hope this helps everyone minimize the chances of accidentally deleting important files.  All of us here at Tomlin Technology Computer Repair in Westminster, MD consider data to be the most important thing that people have on computers.

Thanks for reading!

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